Price of building stone

Price of building stone£265 per tonne + VAT + transport for 6 inch on bed (width of the stone).  This is in stock.

There are about 3.5 square metres to a tonne = £75 per square metre.


in stock, we also have 7 inch on bed stone that is thinner, giving more of a drystone effect.  This is cheaper at £235 per tonne + VAT and transport.


This stone can be coursed up, and because it is a very hard stone, can go below damp course.  The attractive natural building stone represents excellent value.


Have a look at some of the photos of the building stone


Phone the Quarry on 01963 364200 for a quote - discount for larger orders

Building stone in wall
Building stone, traditional stonework
Price of building stone
Price of building stone
Cottage built of building stone
Building stone in house

Enquiries and orders

Contact tel. - 01963 364200

Open from 8 am to 3 pm Monday to Friday

Wall and fence on boundary
Adding value to a landscape
Georgian style house
Timeless house
Stone path
Natural stone path
House with lawns
New and old combined
New build house in traditional style
Rapunzel's tower

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